The River Thames outside DLD College London

Tag: student

Boarding Induction Weekend 2023

7th September 23

It has been a rather busy start to life at DLD College London for our new boarding students. Induction weekend offered them a great insight into what both DLD and…

Computer Science Alumni discusses her time at DLD College London

4th July 23

DLD College London Alumni Tia Nasir discusses how her invaluable DLD experience prepared her for her current role as an Analyst at Goldman Sachs. Tia studied Computer Science, History and…

USA International Boarding Student Experience

4th July 23

International boarding student, Makayla discusses her experience moving from the USA to DLD College London to study.   Makayla adapted to the UK school curriculum and threw herself into boarding…

International Foundation Programme Success!

3rd July 23

In the 2022-23 academic year, 60+ DLD College London students completed our International Foundation Programme (IFP). Once again we achieved a 100% pass rate and 1/3 of students were awarded…

Enrichment Week 2023

30th June 23

This week DLD College London students have been taking part in the annual Enrichment Week. Enrichment week was all about getting our students to engage in learning outside of the…

Visit to the Museum of London Docklands

30th June 23

London is truly our classroom this week, with students out and about for Enrichment Week. Upper School Students embraced the London is our classroom culture with a visit to the…

The Value of Humanities: Head of Careers discusses key findings from Oxford University report

30th June 23

A new report, published by Oxford University called ‘The Value of Humanities’ underlines the transformational impact during a working life of studying a humanities subject. The report’s key findings include:…

Developing Academic English skills as part of Enrichment Week

29th June 23

As part of Enrichment Week, the Academic English Department ran a session on Research and Presentation skills, with a view to supporting the students in the development of useful, transferable…

Art & Design Department Write Up

22nd June 23

Our Art and Design department is a leading area within DLD College London. Serving over 120 local and international students each year, the faculty includes students from Year 9, Years…

From The Principal #185

16th June 23

As this week draws to a close, it seems almost unnecessary to say it has been a week filled with heat, coursework, revision and examinations! It has been excellent to…