The River Thames outside DLD College London

Tag: school

Want a career in Computer Science? Top tips and the best A Level subjects to choose.

10th February 22

Why study A Levels for Computer Science? The UK was the birthplace of not only the first modern computer but the world’s first Computer Science degree, in 1962 at the…

Want a Career in Fashion? Top Tips and the Best A Level Subjects to Choose

10th December 21

Why study fashion? Fashion is a continually growing, innovative industry that offers fantastic career prospects for those who love to design, create and make as well as those who love…

Virtual Open Morning, November 2021

20th November 21

This online open morning features DLD College London Principal Irfan Latif giving an overview of the school, plus two students talking about their life at the school, and our Head…

Do you want to study Architecture at university? Tips and guidance for architecture students

2nd November 21

Do you want to study Architecture at university? Do you need A Level Maths and Physics? Get the results you need at DLD College London.

What are the Benefits of Boarding at a School in Central London?

5th October 21

If you’re considering applying to a boarding school or college in London, you may be wondering what you can expect? Whether you’re an international student looking to come to the…