The River Thames outside DLD College London

Tag: choose

UK Intermediate Mathematics Challenge

9th March 23

Year 11 are celebrating considerable success in the  UK Intermediate Mathematics Challenge. All who took part achieved Gold, Silver or Bronze Awards. Eva W, Mikey K and Ivy K achieved…

208 Books Donated to Charity Book Drive!

7th March 23

To celebrate World Book Day on the 2nd of March the Boarding Book Club held our annual Book Drive from the 27th of February to March the 3rd. Once again,…

The Journey To University Webinar

6th March 23

DLD College London’s Head of Universities, Dr Daniel Woodley, provides an exploration of the processes and considerations behind applying for, and getting a place at, a great university. This is…

A Busy Term for the Economics Department

6th March 23

Economics is a popular subject at DLD College and the challenge is to provide meaningful ways to make the subject more accessible to students. Recent events around the world have…

From The Principal #173

3rd March 23

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! This week the college community joined together to celebrate St. David’s Day, the patron saint of Wales, all whilst our Year 11 students sat their mock…

An Update from the Business Department

1st March 23

It’s been a busy half-term for Business students, the largest department in college. Academic The Year 13s had a taste of a full mock exam lasting a whopping 2 hours…

Demystifying US university and college applications – Talk Education Feature

24th February 23

DLD College London have been featured in Talk Education’s latest news article which discusses demystifying US university and college applications. The informative article breaks down the process involved to apply for…

From The Principal #172

24th February 23

For many of us at DLD, February has felt like an extremely busy month. Half term for most of the Year 13s and Year 11s was spent finishing coursework modules…

Northern House Update!

23rd February 23

Northern House have continued to uphold a strong presence in day-to-day life at DLD College London. The students have continued to thrive within both their academic studies as well as…

PSHE Morning – Guest Speakers Deana Puccio and Dr Leroy Logan

22nd February 23

Tuesday morning saw the launch of our inaugural PSHE morning. We welcomed two high profile speakers to talk to the students on some key social issues. Deana Puccio, co-founder of…