The River Thames outside DLD College London

Tag: choose

From The Principal #185

16th June 23

As this week draws to a close, it seems almost unnecessary to say it has been a week filled with heat, coursework, revision and examinations! It has been excellent to…

Introducing our Student Council Wellbeing Team

16th June 23

Even though the school year is ending, the Student Council is just starting to come up with plans for the next academic year. And one of the teams is the…

A Level students discover Luxury and Power at British Museum exhibition

15th June 23

Year 12 Classics students went on a trip to the Luxury and Power: Persia to Greece exhibition at the British Museum on Thursday 15th June and will complete a material…

Careers Round-Up

15th June 23

Careers has taken centre stage this year at DLD College London, with a wide variety of careers related activity consuming the College. With careers becoming ever more important, schools are…

RSC Analytical Competition 2023

14th June 23

Year 12 Chemistry students represented DLD College London in the southeast regional heat of this annual analytical competition organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Students worked together as a…

Another Year, Another Set of Exceptional IELTS Results

13th June 23

Much to our disbelief, the end of the academic year is almost upon us, and it seems like only yesterday that we were outlining the expectations of the Academic English…

Enrichment Week at DLD College London

12th June 23

Enrichment Week, the last week of term, is packed with exciting activities for students to participate in. Here is an overview of the experiences awaiting our students from 26th to 30th June:…

From The Principal #184

9th June 23

It has been wonderful to welcome back staff and students following the summer half term. We now have less than four weeks of the school year remaining until the summer…

From The Principal #183

26th May 23

It’s almost unfathomable that we have reached the end of another half term, yet here we are preparing for some much-needed respite from the smorgasbord of exams that have permeated…

CCA’s in brief

26th May 23

Students have been flexing their creative skills this half term, with Matin R being ‘highly commended’ in the ISA Arts Shakespeare Competition, our school band ‘The Basement People’ (Alina S,…