The River Thames outside DLD College London


Jubilee House End of Year Round-Up

30th June 22

The academic year 2021 -2022 marked our IFP students first as Jubilee House. While we did not know what to expect this year, it was one of our most exciting…

Metropolitan House End of Year Round-Up

30th June 22

Metropolitan House, Our first task was to establish our Metropolitan House identity. We decided our values: supportive, determined and environmentally aware. We then selected our House Captain, Zerda, and House…

Piccadilly House End of Year Round-Up

30th June 22

Piccadilly House – Integrity, Determination, Leadership. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect this year, but I have to admit that Piccadilly ROCKED!! We were delighted to win the first…

District House End of Year Round-Up

30th June 22

District House, It’s been an enjoyable year in District House, with students participating in House and College events as they pursued their studies and co-curricular activities. In the first year…

Northern House End of Year Round-Up

30th June 22

As far as first years go, Northern House have had one of the best. It has been a huge honour to watch our students create and embed our values of:…

National Boarding Week 2022

24th June 22

This week marks the annual National Boarding Week in partnership with the BSA and School Blazer. This year’s theme is ‘One Boarding Community’. Students and staff alike have been enjoying…

Universities and Careers Week 22

23rd June 22

This year DLD organised a university and careers week for Years 9, 10 and 12 in the penultimate week of the summer term. This was designed to get students thinking…

IFP Student Awarded University Scholarship!

23rd June 22

We are very pleased and excited to congratulate IFP Art student Adi P on his recent Scholarship Award from Arts University Bournemouth. Adi has a conditional offer to study a…

Exceptional IELTS Results

16th June 22

Another Year, Another Set of Exceptional IELTS Results. Much to our disbelief, the end of the academic year is almost upon us, and it seems like only yesterday that we…

From The Principal #149

20th May 22

Dear Staff, Students and Parents, We are thrilled to be announced as the new Heads of School. It is an amazing accomplishment for both of us and we feel privileged…