DLD College London DLD College London students are celebrating another excellent set of results, once again far exceeding the national average. Staff and students can be proud of the A Level results with 26% gaining the top grades of A*- A and with a 98% pass rate, with 54% achieving A*- B and 78% achieving A*- C grades. The College has a lot to celebrate not only at A-level, but also at BTEC where students achieved an outstanding pass rate of 100% and the International Foundation Programmes (IFP) where students’ achieved a 96% pass rate.
DLD is proud of its high performing and diligent students who are reaping the benefits of their hard work and the excellent teaching, pastoral care and support they receive from their teachers.
The College continues to place students at many of the most prestigious universities in the country and abroad. We are proud of all our students’ results and the progress they have made during their time with us. There were many outstanding results from a large number of students including:
“I would like to pay tribute to the excellent staff at DLD College London who go that extra mile to support the students through their A Levels, BTEC and IFP courses and in particular to Michael Brett, our Head of University & Careers who has worked tirelessly to help the students gain those coveted university places. As we celebrate with these students, we remember that these results, together with the wide range of experiences and opportunities offered at DLD has helped prepare each and every student for the next stage in their journey of lifelong learning. We wish each and every one of them every success in the future and look forward to hearing about their successes through the DLD Alumni network.”
Irfan H Latif