The River Thames outside DLD College London


Choosing the right university for you

11th April 14

Choosing the right University is an important decision for any young person. Choosing the University most suited to you isn’t always the most straightforward decision. Other than league tables, there are numerous other factors to consider, when narrowing down where to spend the next chapter of your life. Luckily for you we have consolidated the most important points!

Charity Football Tournament

11th April 14

We had a successful and very enjoyable charity football tournament last Friday. In the end over 60 people participated as well as those who came to support. The weather was smiling on us which made the event even more enjoyable.

Young Investment Bankers Programme

4th April 14

Last Sunday four A level students attended the Young Investment Bankers Programme at UCL. Kabeelan Rajamurthy gives us his review of the day.

Business Students Visit Cadbury World

21st March 14

Yesterday a group of our Business students here at DLD College London spent the day at Cadbury World in Bourneville near Birmingham.

LinkedIn roll out new student hub

20th March 14

LinkedIn announced that they are launching a new dedicated hub for A level students this week to meet increased demand from its fastest growing demographic.

ICT and Business Studies trip to Paris

14th March 14

ICT and Business students from DLD College London benefited from a much-coveted opportunity to study at Disneyland Paris recently.

Aspiring BTEC Media Stars Produce Radio Shows at BBC HQ

7th March 14

Nine Media BTEC students from DLD College London campus were awarded their 15 minutes of fame when they entered into the spotlight to showcase their radio production skills while producing their own programmes.

A Level Classics Trip to the UCL Theatre Bloomsbury

13th February 14

A Level Classics students from DLD College London attended the UCL Classics Drama Society and Department of Greek and Latin performance of Aristophanes’ “The Clouds” at the UCL Theatre Bloomsbury.

Sovereign Education Lecture Day

7th February 14

On Tuesday 4th February, 17 of our A Level English Literature students from DLD College London went to a Sovereign Education Lecture Day, which was on Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.

BTEC Media students create Loop Magazine

7th February 14

Eight BTEC Media students from DLD College London were given a challenge and worked extremely hard, to create a magazine from scratch as part of their coursework.