The River Thames outside DLD College London


Trip to Hampton Court

22nd June 15

After a long and challenging year getting to grips with the language and culture of the UK, the DLD Belgravia pre-sessional students were finally able to relax and enjoy some of Britain’s history, at Hampton Court.

DLD Politics Trip to Magna Carta Exhibition

18th June 15

A Level Government and Politics students visited the Magna Carta exhibition at the British Library to see the rare manuscripts, historical artefacts and documents which contain the first sources of the English Bill of Rights, signed at Runnymede by King John in June 1215

Students Step onto the Red Carpet to Celebrate their Academic Year

10th June 15

Students celebrated the end of the academic year at the annual End of Year prom at Fulham Palace. This year’s theme was Hollywood Glamour.

ASDAN Business and Enterprise Presentations and Posters winners

29th May 15

DLD students Yuqian Zhang and Sirui Fang were chosen as the best examples of the ASDAN Business and Enterprise Presentations and Posters.

Students at DLD College London Praised for their Success

13th May 15

Students celebrated their fantastic achievements at the annual award ceremony held at St Marylebone Parish Church, London.

DLD College London Invests In State Of The Art Technology

7th April 15

DLD College London has invested in a state-of-the-art MakerBot 3D Printer as they continue to propel the technology offered for A level and GCSE students.

DLD College’s GCSE Students Achieve Goldie Success

1st April 15

Six DLD College London GCSE students were awarded a much coveted accolade at the annual Goldie Awards last week.

British Physics Olympiad – Physics Challenge

25th March 15

Three of our GCSE Physics students took part in the British Physics Olympiad Physics Challenge.

So you want to be a doctor?

20th March 15

DLD College London A Level students, Emeline, Isra and Aaron, went to the Royal College of Medicine in Wimpole Street for a careers conference ‘So you want to be a Doctor’ on March 2nd.

DLD College London Trip to Paris

26th February 15

This January 17 students and 3 teachers from DLD Belgravia had a very exciting and enjoyable trip to Paris, France. For three days we explored what art, culture, fashion and food Paris had to offer!