The River Thames outside DLD College London


Olympian Inspires DLD Students During Sport and LGBT+ Talk

23rd January 17

Last week we welcomed Rio Gold Medal Olympian Kate Richardson-Walsh to DLD College London to give an inspiring speech on her sporting success and LGBT+.

Youth Pride Networking

18th January 17

On Monday, 16th January, Youth Pride ran a training event at DLD College London.

New Year’s Eve Fireworks

3rd January 17

Photos of the Fireworks from the 18th Floor of Westminster Bridge Road on New Year’s Eve, taken by the DLD College London House Parents.

Student Makes Acting Debut in Shakespeare Play

15th December 16

DLD student Lorenzo Niyonbgabo’s performance in the DLD Fringe production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night was highly praised by everyone who came to see the show. Lorenzo’s performance was all the more remarkable as it was the first time this budding young actor has tread the boards.

Ask The Professional – BTEC Music Technology Workshops

14th December 16

This year’s “Ask the Professional” series, has seen music industry professionals and organisations form closer, working partnerships through the design, development and launch of vocational assignments on the BTEC level 3 Diploma course in Music Technology.

Students Celebrated at DLD Winter Concert

14th December 16

The annual Winter Concert at DLD College London proved to be the best yet with 20 students being awarded for their outstanding achievements so far, whilst a spectacular display of talent was showcased.

DLD Drama Group present: Twelfth Night

7th December 16

The College performance of Twelfth Night last week, showed at last, what the DLD Drama Group can do with traditional theatre.

Link Building Visit by The Arts University Bournemouth

24th November 16

On Thursday, the 11th of October, Chloe Swann, a representative of the Arts University Bournemouth, came to the College and gave an informative talk to our second year A level Art, Graphic Communication, Photography, and Art-Foundation students.

Art & French Students Get A Taste Of Paris

23rd November 16

Art and French students went on the first cross-curricular trip to Paris, exploring art, culture and language.

Public Lecture: The First World War – Memories of the Somme

9th November 16

The Faculty of Humanities is hosting our first public lecture this academic year: The First World War – Memories of the Somme.