Two Year GCSE Programme

Leading to 8 to 10 GCSEs (or equivalent), students follow a two year programme throughout Years 10 and 11.

This unique offering provides a core set of GCSEs and then a choice of four subjects from a selection covering the traditional to the forward-looking, enabling each student to create their own unique learning opportunities.

Core GCSEs

A core set of four compulsory GCSEs in Maths, English and Science are taken by every student. International students who require IELTS rather than a GCSE in English Language will be timetabled with those classes. For Science, students study all three sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and are awarded two GCSE grades based on their overall performance across all three science subjects in the Double Award Science GCSE.

Optional GCSEs and BTECs

Four option blocks are available and students are requested to select one subject from each. These blocks give the option of continuing with traditional GCSE study, or, as an alternative, to engage with an exciting set of alternative BTEC Awards which are equivalent in value to a GCSE. These BTECs are designed in consultation with universities so that they are recognised and accepted by them for future undergraduate entry.

1 GCSE Business or GCSE Geography
2 GCSE Film Studies or BTEC Sport
3 GCSE History or GCSE Computer Science
4 GCSE Art or BTEC Esports

Additional GCSEs

Students moving into Year 11 may study English Literature as an additional GCSE and also advance to Triple Science Award. This covers Biology, Chemistry and Physics in more depth and leads to three separate GCSE qualifications. Please note that English Literature is not available to students studying IELTS.

Two Year Subjects Table

Two Year GCSE Programme 2025-2027 Number of GCSEs(or equivalent)
Compulsory Subjects GCSE Mathematics 1
GCSE English Language(or IELTS for international students who require this qualification) 1
GCSE Double Science 2
Total number of Compulsory GCSEs 4
Optional Subjects(one from each block) Block 1 GCSE Business or

GCSE Geography

Block 2 GCSE Film Studies


BTEC Sport

Block 3 GCSE History or

GCSE Computer Science

Block 4 GCSE Art or

BTEC eSports

Total number of Optional GCSEs or equivalent 4
Additional Subjects(in Year 11 dependent on progress) GCSE English Literature(NB for English language students only, not IELTs) 1
GCSE Triple Science 1 extra
  Total number of Additional GCSEs or equivalent 2
Maximum number of GCSEs or equivalent 10
Supplementary Learning & Activities Careers & Professional Development 3 periods per week
Study Skills 1 period per week
Sport 3 periods per week
Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) Education 1 period per week

Sample Timetable

Two Year Programme – Sample Timetable

Reg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CCA
Mon Registration Maths Maths Break Performing Arts Performing Arts English/Acad.Eng English/Acad.Eng Lunch History History PSHE Study Skills Co-Curricular Activities
Tue PSHE History Film Studies Film Studies Physics Physics Careers Development Performing Arts Art Art
Wed English/Acad.Eng English/Acad.Eng Performing Arts Performing Arts Chemistry Chemistry Study Skills English/Acad.Eng Film Studies Film Studies
Thu Physics Physics Maths Maths Art Art Film Studies Maths Biology Biology
Fri Chemistry Chemistry History History Biology Biology Art Sport Sport Sport


Entry Requirements

All students are interviewed at DLD College London by a member of the Academic Team who will assess a student’s suitability for the course and the options chosen.

Previous school history is considered with a review of academic reports and reference.

International students will need band 4.5 to study the two year GCSE programme.