Nauka w samym sercu Londynu, w jednej z najlepszych niezależnych szkół w Wielkiej Brytanii.

DLD to jedyna taka szkoła z zakwaterowaniem w centrum Londynu. Zapewniamy oddane, pomocne i zorientowane na ucznia środowisko, z szeroką gamą kursów i przedmiotów do wyboru. Uczniowie DLD korzystają z fantastycznych możliwości nauki i rozwoju, dzięki czemu wielu z nich zdobywa miejsce na najlepszych uniwersytetach w Londynie i Wielkiej Brytanii.

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  • Szkoła z zakwaterowaniem, w której nauka odbywa się na terenie kampusu. Jedyna taka placówka w samym sercu Londynu. Pięciogwiazdkowe zakwaterowanie w centrum miasta.
  • Klucz do drzwi najlepszych uniwersytetów w Londynie i na świecie. Londyn to miasto z najstarszymi uniwersytetami na całym świecie. 61% uczniów DLD właśnie tam kontynuuje naukę, między innymi na LSE, w Imperial College oraz City University.
  • Szeroki wybór kursów i przedmiotów. Wiodące programy kursów informatycznych, kreatywnych i finansowych. W 100% pomyślna rekrutacja do szkół artystycznych i muzycznych, takich jak Courtauld Institute of Arts, UAL, Los Angles College of Music, Massachusetts College of Art and Design oraz Leeds College of Music.
  • Najwyższej klasy zaplecze i niezwykły charakter nauki. Ponad 30 klubów pozwala uczniom rozwijać zainteresowania i zrelaksować się po zajęciach lekcyjnych. Zaplecze obejmuje nową bibliotekę, centrum odnowy biologicznej przeznaczone specjalnie dla uczniów oraz stołówkę Global Kitchen, na otwarciu której pojawił się sam nagrodzony gwiazdką Michellin Atul Kotchar.

Study art at DLD College London (Popular)


Artistic skill underpins every creative practice. Our approach is to support the development of practical skills whilst encouraging expression and personal creativity. During the first part of the academic year you will explore a variety of materials, processes and techniques, whilst simultaneously building on your contextual knowledge. These new skills will act as a foundation for the second part of the academic year, which consists of an exam unit, where you will draw upon previous learning experiences to devise your own project. Throughout this creative journey you will be guided by experienced and supportive staff members who will draw on a variety of teaching methods in order to help you achieve your potential.



  • Illustration
  • Typography
  • Photography
  • Mixed media
  • Graphics
  • Logo’sColour Schemes


  • Designing Fashion (the role of the Fashion Designer)
  • The Crafting and Construction of a Garment (use of materials and construction of proto-types)
  • Commercial Production (from mass production to hand-made and Haute Couture)


  • Art Deco + influence and effects
  • Cubism + influence and effects
  • Skills building
  • Digital development


This module will cover the history and development of Fashion, looking at key developments, historical and contemporary. It will also study how Fashion has developed to be a social and cultural phenomenon that can express and reflect cultural identity and value, as well as its’ recent development as a diverse social art form expressively connected to identity, creative self-expression, and lifestyle.

  • Traditional & Ceremonial Dress (Cultural Rituals, Festivals, Courtly, Ceremonial & Formal Occasions)
  • Functional/Official Dress (Office/Manual Labour, Sportswear, Casualwear)
  • Social/Tribal Dress (Status, Gender, Identity-Designer Labels, Logo-wear, Mods, Rockers, Punks, Hippies, Form & Function)
  • Key Designers & Fashion Houses/Brands (including Chanel, Dior, Yves St Laurent, John Galliano, Hussein Chalayan, Issey Miyake, Vivienne Westwood,
  • Burberry, Alexander McQueen)

Assessment Method: Portfolio and written assignment.


  • Spędź semestr, realizując brytyjski program nauczania i szlifując angielski w samym sercu jednego z najciekawszych miast w Wielkiej Brytanii.
  • Zostań pełnoprawnym członkiem naszej bogatej kulturowo społeczności uczniowskiej – korzystaj z bogatego programu pozalekcyjnego obejmującego kluby, zajęcia sportowe i rekreacyjne, wieczorne wykłady oraz kursy przygotowujące do studiów.
  • Po zakończeniu nauki otrzymasz obszerny raport akademicki i świadectwo, które możesz zabrać do domu. Jeśli Ci się u nas spodoba, możesz też zostać na dłużej i zdecydować się na pełen program szkoły gimnazjalnej (GCSE) lub średniej (A-levels). Następnie możesz wybrać studia w Wielkiej Brytanii lub w swoim kraju.
  • Czesne za semestr (łącznie z zakwaterowaniem) od września 2020 r. do grudnia 2020 r. wynosi 17 360 funtów brytyjskich

Please note that there are limited places on these courses available.

Course fees

Sept. 2020 – Dec. 2020 one term
DLD College London £17,360

Study in the heart of London


As one of the world’s great capitals, London is an ideal place for those who wish to study such as finance, engineering, law and the sciences as well as the medical professions. Every large company in the world has offices here, often its European or world head office, adding to the feeling of excitement and being near to the centre of the business world.

London is also the cultural capital of the UK, with all of the most important museums, libraries and art galleries as well as being the centre of theatre, cinema, fashion, design and architecture.

Multi-cultural and tolerant, it is hard to be bored here and easy to find exactly what you are looking for, whether it be an internship at a leading financial company, a foreign newspaper or simply a specific item of food.

Profil osobisty


  • Originally from Poland
  • Results: A*AAB
  • Destination: University of Southern California

“Adam joined DLD College in Septemeber 2016 to study the intensive one-year GCSE course. Having achieved an excellent set of results, Adam chose to follow his passion for economic theory and politics, supported by a solid mathematical ability. Adam was particularly interested in the way macroeconomics policies might be harnessed in order to mitigate extreme poverty.

Adam’s interest in politics and management led him to become a popular Head of Student Council, speaking publically at events and developing his leadership skills.


  • Originally from Italy
  • Results: A*A*A* in Business Studies, Economics, and Government and Politics.
  • Destination: Kings’s College London to study International Relations

Gaia came to DLD to study A levels in Politics, Economics and Business Studies. Initially, she was due to return to Italy after one term, but enjoyed DLD so much she decided to stay to complete her A levels. Gaia was a pleasure to teach. She is intellectually curious, very capable and hard-working. Her particular interest is in the integration of knowledge from Politics and Economics, the changes taking place in the international monetary system and their geopolitical implications for world order. She thoroughly deserves her place at King’s College London to read International Relations.


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With fees ranging from £26,000 - £32,000 per-annum (not including accommodation prices)