16th March 18
With the ‘Beast from the East’ finally fleeing for colder climes and ice thawing at the tail end of last showing signs of thawing. The two leaders are planning to talk (the first of its kind in history) and the latter is stopping nuclear testing for the time being. I would love to be a fly on the wall during that particular question time. However, it is a lesson for us all that by having open channels of communication we can begin to resolve issues which could otherwise if left, could become strained and difficult. The Paralympic Winter Games have begun in Pyeongchang (The Olympics have no doubt helped to thaw the relationship between the US and North Korea) and we will be watching the athletes perform to the highest standards over the next couple, of weeks, as I hope our students do here at College day in and day out.
We had Open Evening this week with an encouraging number of parents in attendance (despite having to reschedule due to the poor weather last week) and the students (and staff) were impressive as they always are. These bright young things put many of us grown-ups to shame and it is great to see many of them blossoming into fine young adults with plenty of poise and confidence. Just like many of those on the football team who played the Harrodian School this week and of course our Digital Innovators who prepared a presentation for yesterday’s International Womens’ Day for the College. In Britain, women rule. Our Monarch, Prime Minister, Home Secretary, Scotland First Minister, Head of the London Fire service, Head of the Metropolitan Police, Head of Schools’ Inspection and Head of our Student Council at College are all women. Equality and diversity are key going forward and I hope our leaders around the world, whatever their gender, faith, colour and creed, put their differences aside and work together in the interest of the people to make the world a better and safer place to live. If Trump and Kim can, I am sure everyone can.
Best wishes
Irfan H Latif