The River Thames outside DLD College London

International Year 9 Science Conference on Climate Change

23rd May 24

How will climate change impact… the Sahara desert, the Arctic, Antarctica, the Amazon Rainforest, Ecuador, Iran, Italy, the UK? This was the question that our Year 9 students have been researching this half term in their Science lessons. They produced and presented posters on their chosen area at the 1st International Year 9 Science Conference on Climate Change, held at DLD College London on Monday 20th May.

As with all good poster sessions, there was a real buzz in the room, with a mixture of teachers, admin staff and Year 12 students discussing and asking questions. The Year 9 students spoke confidently and knowledgably on how climate change relates to biodiversity, energy sources and food security, and how using plants may help in the fight against it. Thank you to everyone who came, and well done to the Year 9 students, who got a very realistic taste of what it is like to be a research scientist at an academic conference.

Louise Affleck, Year 9 Science Teacher