19th November 21
Earlier this week, I opened my mail in my office, and I was surprised to find a Christmas Card, in November! Firstly, I was surprised at the efficiency of the sender, and secondly, it alerted me to the fact that we are just five Fridays away from Christmas. Is it me, or does Christmas seem to be arriving earlier every year? The John Lewis ad (apparently this signals the start of Christmas), the annual battle of the supermarkets, Black Friday (today!), the Sunday supplements teaching you ‘How to cook the perfect Turkey’ (last weekend) and Christmas trees that will pop up around College and in the Boarding House this weekend. And it is still only November! So we are officially in the festive season.
This week we have seen a veritable feast of opportunities. We had an assembly on Anti-Bullying Week led by Myles (Head of Wellbeing), which included students and staff supporting ‘Odd Socks Day’, FTP Live, National Debating competition, Oxbridge interview preparation, House competitions (Photography, Chess and Football – well done to Piccadilly House on a fine win in the inaugural House football competition), more CCAs than you could share a cracker at, Virtual Opening Morning and of course, our annual Movember charity fund-raising event. Alongside all of this, our very own Christmas preparations are underway; I noticed that the Christmas tree was delivered to the Atrium earlier today, and decorations are coming out of the College store. The boarders will be decorating the Christmas tree and a number in the boarding house common rooms. There will be Christmas preparations for the virtual Winter Awards Ceremony taking place next month – do join us online for the yuletide festivities. We are preparing the Christmas Lunch menu in the Global Kitchen, Christmas Jumper Charity Day, the DLD Christmas Card, Student Council Christmas Song, DLD Christmas Party, carol singing and plenty more.
However, there is still much work to be done before Christmas arrives (in December, I hasten to add!); there are mock and public exams to prepare for in January 2022, end of term reports to write and the completion of UCAS personal statements and applications, to name but a few. Although it is only November, I think everyone will be in the Christmas spirit soon, though some may be spreading the Christmas cheer at College a little bit too early…
Best wishes,
Irfan Latif, Principal