The River Thames outside DLD College London

DLD Awards Ceremony 2024

26th June 24

In a heartwarming display of talent, dedication, and hard work, students were honoured at the annual DLD Awards ceremony, celebrating the extraordinary efforts of students across various subjects throughout the year.

The ceremony, attended by students, and faculty, highlighted the remarkable achievements of young students who have excelled in academics across Year groups 9, 10 and 12.

Robita M, opened the ceremony with an fantastic piano performance of ‘Comptine d’un autre ete, l’apres-midi’ originally by Yann Tiersen, before Outgoing Principal, Irfan Latif welcomed students and shared his reflections on the school year.

The evening progressed with the presentation of awards across different categories. The awards included:

Year 9

Student Award(s) Won
Echo G Creative Arts, Science & People and Places
Karolina K Digital Futures
Marina F English
Yo A Maths

Year 10

Student Award(s) Won
Aida N History & BTEC Sport
Hastia F Academic English
Junghoon K Art
Seyedtaha Y Combined Science & English Language and Literature
Sofa S Film & BTEC Performing Arts
Yasmine S Maths, BTEC Business, BTEC Esports & Geography

Year 12

Student Award(s) Won
Liberty S Classics & English Literature
Nita H Economics
Pouneh M Academic English
Shazmeen Z Drama and Theatre Studies & Film
Tasha N Photography
Vlad C Physics
Lucas Z Politics & History
Mancy T Business
Mariella K Psychology
Ace N Art
Alice V Biology
Anaika S Sociology
Andrew M Maths & Computer Science
Anna E Media
Arian A Chemistry
Dmitry G Geography
Idel G Graphics
Joshua F BTEC Business

The final award was the House Cup, this year won by Jubilee House!

The evening’s proceedings were brought to a melodious close by the school band, who delivered a stirring cover of “Where Is My Mind” by the Pixies. The performance was met with enthusiastic applause and provided a reflective and celebratory end to the ceremony.

The DLD Awards ceremony not only highlighted the achievements of individual students but also underscored the supportive and nurturing environment of the school. It was a night filled with pride, joy, and inspiration, setting a high standard for future students to aspire to.