8th March 24
Dear Parents and Guardians,
With mock examinations completed and coursework deadlines drawing near for many, it certainly feels like the business end of the school year is fast approaching. Beyond examinations, the last few weeks have been exceptionally busy for our students and staff alike. We have celebrated National Careers Week in style, with an excellent presentation by Ed Holroyd-Pearce, President and co-Founder of Virtual Internships. This supported by World Book Day and International Women’s Day have cemented inspiration on our students beyond the classroom, encouraging them to consider their futures and what legacy they wish to leave behind with DLD.
It was highlighted in the recent publication of our ISI Inspection that ‘our philosophy of London is our classroom is lived out’, and this has again been highlighted this week with our sixth formers enjoying a visit to Parliament, and our Year Nine cohort enjoying a superbly, eye-opening trip to the Science Museum. It has been pleasing to see our students go above and beyond to excel themselves, whether academically or performing in the recent Live Lounge. From new business ideas for Lower Marsh, to filming in the Global Kitchen, or even the Drama students finalising their devised piece, DLD has an abundance of activities that go beyond the classroom, all of which are encouraging our students to start thinking about their futures.
Kind regards,
Lauren Moors, Assistant Principal (Academic)