20th February 23
Half term is always a time of fun in the DLD Boarding House, and this one was no exception. Several of our students boarded a plane to Northern Ireland, led by brave Houseparents Jan Haines and Scott Webster. This was the first leg of DLD’s Tour of the Kingdom, and it did not disappoint. From the streets of Ulster and its world-famous Peace Wall to Queens University, and even a re-enactment of some Game of Thrones scenes as they passed the location where it was filmed. They toured the north coast and took in the Castle of Carrickfergus and even found a little sunshine at Carrick-a-Rede bridge! To finish off the trip, they visited the Giant’s Causeway which they describe as breath taking and amazing. A huge thank you to Jan and Scott for giving our students this amazing opportunity. Next up…Scotland!
Back at the Boarding House the atmosphere was quiet with many students choosing to study for their exams. The Houseparents had lots of talks on the importance of balancing working and relaxing. Taking regular breaks are vital for anyone wanting to perform their best. Students were surprised to learn some of the benefits of rest breaks; they energise you, they reduce stress, they boost cognitive prowess, they help your social skills, and they increase your comprehension of a subject! It wasn’t long before they headed for the games cupboard. There were some hilarious games of Twister, some fierce competition over Buckaroo and Pop-up Pirate was a great favourite! We enjoyed many late-night movies, and it was good to see the students slow their pace, relax and get to grips with the benefits of balance.
Shirley Mitchell, Assistant Principal (Boarding and PSHE)