The River Thames outside DLD College London

Winter Essay Competition 2022

6th October 22

Building on the success of 2021/22 academic essay competitions, DLD College London is launching our Winter 2022 essay writing competition and this year’s topic concerns September’s mini budget announcement.

Please answer the following question:

‘To what extent will the mini budget have a positive impact on society, how will it affect homeowners and the overall UK population, and how will it impact on the UK economy?’

From research and your own knowledge, analyse and evaluate whether the mini budget will have an overall positive impact, how it will affect the UK population, and what will be its effects on the UK economy. Here are some links you may find helpful when starting your research*.

  1. Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget: key points at a glance
  2. Household income inequality, UK: financial year ending 2021
  3. Tax rates 22/23 

This question can be approached from a variety of angles including business, economical, political and sociological.

Essays should be no longer than 1500 words and the submission deadline will be 14th December 2022 at 5pm.  Submissions should be emailed to

*Information may be subject to change after the competition’s publication.