30th June 22
District House,
It’s been an enjoyable year in District House, with students participating in House and College events as they pursued their studies and co-curricular activities. In the first year of a house system at DLD we have taken a little time to discover who or what we might be: this is a process that I know will grow and evolve next year and in the future. For our house values we chose Resilience, Confidence and Initiative, with the important post-it note of ‘Don’t forget to be kind’. These are qualities I am delighted to have seen generously evidenced in the members of District House, students and tutors, throughout the year.
Tutor registrations allow students daily contact with their tutors and tutor group peers; weekly assemblies have reflected the fruit of some of these meetings with presentations on London’s hidden spaces, Ramadan, Vegan Tuesdays and no phone Wednesdays. Hundreds of commendations have been awarded across the House for academic excellence, excellence in boarding and HM awards for students who have stepped up and done that little bit extra for the College and for the House.
Our students have competed enthusiastically and with skill and determination in football, quiz, netball, chess, debating, and an honourable third place in the annual Pancake Race; excellent entries have been made for film, photography, essay-writing and many other competitions. Well done and thank you to all who competed or helped in any way. Well done for the excellence reflected in the commendations you have received. Thank you also to Moja, Ivy and Stepan, who were excellent House Captain and House Leaders in this inaugural year. I am delighted that Liv and Akram were chosen as our new House Captains, with Sarina and Abdullah as House Leaders. Next year we look forward to receiving members of the Upper School into the House: I know they will be made most welcome.
Green is the colour of District House lanyards. As well as environmental awareness, I hope that it embodies a willingness to change and grow: who knows what District House can be next year. I look forward to finding out.
Nick Taylor, Housemaster (District House) / English