13th June 22
The Digital Art Results 2022 have been announced in this year’s ISA Film and Digital Art Competition and students from DLD College London have been awarded both the first and second place in the Key Stage 5 age group (Years 12 & 13).
First Place has gone to Yunlu with her artwork “A Girl’s Imagination” and second place to Dogan with his “Tale of Two Cities”.
With over 150 applicants for their age group this is an incredible achievement for both students.
The Film and Digital Art Competition from the Independent Schools’ Association, is an annual competition for work that uses both creative and technical skills combined to produce art works in the digital genre. The three categories, Computer Animation, Short Film, and Digital Art, offer a range of ways for pupils of all ages to explore and showcase their work. The winners of the remaining two categories will be announced in July.
Ben Clements, Photography Teacher